Sunday, September 28, 2014

500K Project Review

500K Project Review Searching For a Honest 500K Project Review? Great, Here’s My 500K Project Review Until Think To Buy 500K Project Software

500K Project Review

 Software Name: 500K Project
Launch Day: September 18th 2014
500K Project Creator: Brad Callen
Niche: Binary Option
500K Project Members Area Reveal

 500K Project Review is New Way To Make Huge Income With Binary Option Trading To find the opportunity in front of you that are available to trade commodity worth more than what you pay money dozens of times, and that you're capable of becoming in retaining the resulting gain from trading fully like you own the item is actually an opportunity to undoubtedly. 

How are the people who complain of a lack of capital that they have, which prevents them from going into the field of trade? Many ... is not it?!

500K Project

American stock market is like all other markets for stocks, but it is characterized by the presence of high liquidity and a great diversity of sectors and Aladaut investment (which is the largest market shares in the world in terms of liquidity, size, and number of sectors, investors, etc. ..).

US market unreal word to describe this market because it is not one market but several markets in several states, for example, there is a market in New York and Chicago market and the market of Philadelphia and other other markets.

Are trading more than 50 000 companies in the American market for the shares, and there are hundreds of primary and secondary sectors


There are markets in the American market has a specific place and a specific location, as we mentioned, such as the New York market NYSE market of Philadelphia and Chicago market is trading which means handmade namely that show you always valuable TV, of course, in these markets are traded thousands of companies called these companies: companies listed or 500K Project ,, There are also markets Ketrwinh (500K Project) are traded through the computer system and a sophisticated electronic market such as 500K Project Nasdaq Bulletin Board or Nazadk, and companies called OTC.
To be able to whether the separation of the company traded on the NASDAQ or other OTC-like markets or in other markets is the spatial Listed by company code.

What is the symbol of the company is the acronym indicates this company, when trading in these markets, 500K Project American markets, they have a literal code.
When the Code 3 characters or less means that the trading markets are in spatial Listed
But that was 4 or more characters This indicates that it is trading in ways that email  500K Project.

All purchases and sales for all of these markets, electronic and otherwise take place through intermediaries Brokers certified in any of those markets, you can not trade directly, but through this medium. And brokers in America are divided into two parts:

1 mediators comprehensive services Full Servies Brokers (and those providing multiple services including buying and selling stocks, bonds, funds and so on, to cover the stock or the company and followed up by experts and analysts have and give recommendations on them, cover ask companies to subscribe, and so on, and months, these intermediaries or financial houses:

Of course American markets dozens of indicators and not a single indicator such as our index Saudi, these indicators have been developed by finance houses, markets or otherwise, which is not necessarily to be for certain companies in the market for one, but may be an indicator to the market or index sector or index multi-sectoral markets and thus , and the index utilized here to see the direction of the economy and the direction of the market, and the most important indicators, the most famous in American markets:

Dow Jones Industrial Average: where 30 represents the largest industrial company in America, such as Generale Electric GE, McDonald's MCD, IBM IBM, Pfizer PFE and other industrial companies from different industrial sectors may be technological or heavy industries or Petrochemical ... etc. .

  500K Project; an indicator includes thousands of technology companies in various sectors.

Standard & Poor's Index: an indicator that has the best 500 companies in various markets and sectors and industries.


How to follow the market:
Of course, supposed to know English so they can read the news and analysis on the companies that help you in the selection of a particular stock or the market as a whole.
You can follow market developments and news, and so on through the internet and there are several free sites are the most important:

500K Project
500K Project
500K Project

And thousands of other sites.

How do you know prices of companies:
You can through the sites that I mentioned above, but these prices will be 20 minutes late.
Or you can see the spot prices by subscribing to Stremr monthly subscription, which can be obtained from several locations, van you are trading via the Internet often these sites are providing these prices you through a simple monthly subscription does not exceed $ 10.

   500K Project Synopsis: The goal of this introduction is the definition for the American market as a whole, so that they can take a comprehensive idea and then can access it. In terms of investment or how to choose the companies for speculation, it is an art in the American market, a door that from which you can reap millions or loss of millions.

The most important characteristic of the American market as we have said, which makes it one of the best markets and the biggest one in the world is the sheer volume or the enormous amount of listed companies in which more than 50 000 company in all industries or sectors that come to mind, allowing a tremendous opportunity to choose a good and excellent, for example, that I was a doctor and medical care companies, you have a large and fertile field in this area and you can rate your experience as a doctor to look for companies that Baatkarat important in this area and expect to be strong by the mutation, and so on.

Therefore, and for this reason will not be afraid of a pluralistic descent indicator in the American market or collapse in a particular sector then you have entered in a particular company expects to have an excellent big future.

Also because of the multiplicity of companies and sectors in the American market does not go out liquidity from these markets permanently, but always moving between these sectors and these companies, and you can see that through research and analysis published from different analysts on trends in liquidity, and so on. 

 500K Project Trading Hours in the American market:

Official trading in American markets duration of 6 hours and a half. The time of 9:30 pm EST, 16:00 am to time himself.
This is equivalent to Saudi time as follows:

Summer 6 months from 4 months to the end of the month = 9 times from 16:30 am to 23:00.
Winter 6 months from 10 months to the end of the month = 3 from 17:30 pm to 12:00 midnight.

In addition to the six hours and a half, it is the official no additional hours of trading is called an extended-hours if we have collected with official hours, the total becomes 12 hours trading. But Pollack watch the official not be very precise operations by trading which is not recommended except for those with experience, and these hours are:

Before opening: from 8:00 am ET to the United States to 9:15, before any hour and a half from the opening.

After shutdown: trading continues to informal pm to 20:00 pm ET for the United States, any trading continues about 4 hours after shutdown.

Trading days: Monday to Friday
Vacation week: Saturday + Sunday
Vacations: There are many scattered around 9 days in the year and declare in a timely manner.

Note: It is strictly forbidden to close the American market more than 3 consecutive days.

CLICK LINK TO LEFT!! 500k Project Review – Is Brad Callen's 500k Project