Thursday, January 28, 2016

Binary Freedom Formula Review Is Binary Freedom Formulad Scam Or Legit?

Binary Freedom Formula Review! IT STOLE MY MONEY!! Binary Freedom Formula
Patrol took a little break but apparently scam artist don’t sleep! Another binary options scam has been released, Binary Freedom Formula is a scam software that will drain your trading account until it reaches a big fat zero!! You heard correctly, we have evidence that supports our accusation! This Binary Freedom Formula Review is not going to be pretty, after we found out that various traders reported to us with urgent emails saying “It Stole My Money!” we knew that immediate actions had to be taken in order to prevent any more losses in the binary options industry. The Binaryfreedomformula com Site is full of deceptive lies and we’re going to expose them in this scam review, please keep on reading!!
This auto-trader is a fully Binary Freedom Formula Binary options software that is supposed to make handsome earning to those who use it. We’ve received recent feedback that it’s wiping traders account so further analysis was mandatory before we reached a conclusion. At first you might fall for the sweet and clear voice of the spokesman, aka the hacker that developed this garbage. He says that he apparently feels like in the mood to give out a successful auto-trader that is capable of changing your life but it really doesn’t make any sense it’s wiping trader’s accounts around the globe. Most binary options scams used the most illogical and ridiculous stories to fool you into using their trading software, much like Binary Freedom Formula is doing.
Can you trust the Binary Freedom Formula Review on Binaryfreedomformula com?
Did we mention that on the Binary Freedom Formula website, there are purchased reviews insinuating that it’s working for them and they’ve made big profits!? Yup, this crappy trading software is using paid actors to lie on camera and say positive things about the Binary Freedom Formula Scam!! That deceptive individual who has sold his soul for a couple of dollars is a Fiverr actor that was hired to act the script that the deceptive crooks sent them. You can verify for yourself that he indeed sells real looking testimonials for as low as 5 dollars! The real question is why would the owners use fake reviews in order to attract more traders? Aren’t they a profitable trading software that is capable of generating 13,000 dollars a month??
The logical explanation on why they took such actions is very simple! It does not work!! The Binary Freedom Formula Software is a Scam that was designed for the purpose of stealing your hard-earned money! That is why binaryfreedomformula com implements those deceptive techniques, they know that no one in their right mind would ever endorsed such low performing auto-trader like the Binary Freedom Formula Scam. Many profitable systems like Binary Freedom Formula don’t have to do such despicable practices because they are legit and trustworthy services that generates good results! The truth speaks for itself and there are traders who make legitimate reviews on them, they don’t have to purchased actors like the Binary Freedom Formula Scam does.
Binaryfreedomformula results are fake!
If you scroll down to the scam website, a never-ending slide of trading results are showcased. Not only are those fake results but rather impossible! The winning trades just keeps on showing without any losses! Any mediocre or skillful trader knows that in binary options trading, loses are inevitable but what this trading software is trying to imply is that they do not make any losses which is damn absurd and unreal!! This is by far the most unrealistic result we’ve ever seen so far!! Endless ITMs?? Wish that would happen in real life because if it were true, we’d all be gazillionaires riding Lamborghinis. The simple fact that they don’t know what real trading is just tells us that they are not experienced in the field of software development, this crooks are here for your money only and once they’ve obtain that, they’re gone! Fairy Dust! The only remaining thing you will you have is a semi looking software that spits bad signals non-stop!
Another big concern about the Binary Freedom Formula Scam is that they do not provide any real information in regards the auto-trader’s algorithm, people now a days can’t take words for granted, especially in this industry since there are so many binary options scams and pyramid schemes out there. Legitimate trading softwares uses hard-core analysis like chart patterns or candlestick formations to predict future price movements and once it has identify an opportunity, the signal will be trigger!! But this Binary Freedom Formula Reviews thinks that such results can be made overnight. There is no track records of the Technology Company that developed this software, no clue on who is the developer, no Facebook or LinkedIn account was ever traced. In fact, it’s creepy and concerning that traders are giving out private information to a hacker that could easily turn crazy and hack your computers and steal private information!
Binary Freedom Formula Results
Like we’ve stated before, traders are complaining and reporting that the Binary Freedom Formula Scam is turning their account balances to zero. That’s around 55 to 60 percent in the money ratio, a result that is not profitable and will burn your account sooner or later. Such outcomes are obvious when you have a auto-trader that posses such bad qualities and practices. The binaryfreedomformula com website is truly a cheap production that could have of been easily designed with 50 bucks, there are probably hundreds of better looking scams that could do a better job than Binary Freedom Formula Review. Why don’t they join the Circus so they can continue on making stupid actions?
Summary of the Binary Freedom Formula Review
Laughable results that are fake and impossible to achieve
No information or reference of the trading software’s algorithm or Tech Company
Fake reviews that were purchased from an online marketplace
Traders report that it’s wiping their accounts in less than 3 days
It’s a Scam! It simple does not work and will leave your wallets empty!
admin@binaryfreedomformula contact email does not even respond!!
Conclusion on the Binary Freedom Formula Review
This binary options scam has shown Citidel LTD Investment APP

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