Binary Secret is a scam that you need to avoid. While you would find a number of good binary trading software that can help you make money, Binary Secret Review system definitely isn’t one of them. It is a pure scam that only has the intention of taking away money from you, and it tries to play smart while doing that.
What is Binary Secrets?
The website is pretty much professionally made and at the first glance, you would not be able to make out whether Binary Secret System is a scam or not. When you open the website, a video starts to run in the landing page and tells you of the thousands of success stories that people have.
Binary Options Software site:
How to Make Money Real Quick?
Binary Secret also talks about how you can make $700 in just 60 seconds without having to spend anything. Unfortunately, it isn’t true and you will soon find out that nothing in life comes for free. The video even tells you of supposed account statements of users who have earned hundreds of thousands of dollars with the program. If that doesn’t make you think something is amiss, the video goes on toe convince you how you can sell binary stocks to make the money. Everything will seem so simple and you will start wondering as to why you didn’t do it before. That is exactly where Binary Secrets cashes in.
The video presenter, one David Craig, who claims to run the site, goes on to make a startling claim – that he had made $700 in 60 seconds numerous number of times through the semi automatic trading robots that sends you sms whenever you can make a profit. Binary Secret Review You only need to activate the trading robot and the trades will start off automatically, which means that you do not even have to log in to sell the binary stock and things will happen by themselves. The video uses stock images extensively and if you do Google a bit, you will see that even the account statements they gave as ‘proof’ are actually false.
Why Binary Secret is a Scam?
Get Ready for the Perfect Story Ever Told
The entire story of the video takes you on a fairy tale ride, and the founder seems to bank upon the fact that you will start counting your chickens before they hatch. So, you get told how much money you would make. You get told that you will be making more money a day. And then you get told how you can transfer money to your bank account and how great that would feel.You also get a video of where a doctor speaks weirdly, supposedly from his doctor’s room, where he tells about how he made the money using the auto pilot Binary Secret System Software system. He claims he made over $247,000 in 6 months. The fun fact? You can easily tell that the doctor has been planted in front of an image of a Doctor’s chamber and that he isn’t actually in one. This is one major giveaway.
On how the system works, you only get told that there is an auto trading robot that does all the work for you. Is Binary Secret A Scam knows when to invest money and you do not even have to login to get the rewards. The auto trading robot will do it all for you, which is a pretty big scam.
So, what are the other giveaways?
No Credit Card Required
You stumble upon this site and see that they offer you tips to make $700 in 60 seconds for free. They do not even want your credit card in return – all a limited time offer. All they want is your email address. Sounds amazing, right? Wrong, because that’s how they want to keep you hooked on.e Vi
The Video After Sign Up
Once you sign up, you get a video where you are taught of how an automatic robot will do all the work for you, making you hundreds of dollars a day. Binary Secret goes on to state as to how you will be making a million dollars within a year. While the video again uses stock images extensively, the tone and manner as to how Binary Secret carries the claims just makes you wonder if it really could happen.
The Success Stories
There is a success stories column on the site. Visit the Binary Secret Review and you will see a ‘live feed’ of Facebook and Twitter users who tell about how happy they are with the product. The only problem is that it really isn’t a live feed, and are just images the company got from somewhere. In all, they look photoshopped.
Once you sign up, you will need to give your credit card details to open your trading account. And this is when the scam starts, where they take away all your info. You seem to be putting in the money then to these semi automatic robots and binary traders but you would be ending up on the losing side way too often. In short, you wouldn’t be making any profits as advertised and instead, will continue losing money over time because of the decisions of these robots and binary traders. Not that good a deal, right?
Final Verdict – Binary Secret is Scam.
Binary Secret Scam is a scam and there are no doubts about it. It tells you about a Binary Secret software robot that will do all the work for you, making you hundreds of dollars a day. The system, the founder says, does everything automatically and you can just sit back, relax while you automatically make money. While that does sound too enticing a thought, remember, he wouldn’t really be selling this idea if it was so, and would instead be in his couch making the same.
Unfortunately, David Craig seems to be doing that, preying on people’s greed for money. A simple Google search will tell you that there is nobody called David Craig who does something similar and all the stock images only drives home the point that the Binary Secret system is a bluff.
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